Juicing has been around for hundreds of years – way before the fancy machines we have today!  The extracts from fresh fruits or vegetables contains most of the vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals found in the fruit. However, whole fruits and vegetables also have healthy fiber, so don’t leave them out of your diet because you’re juicing.

For some people, they may have problems digesting whole fruits and vegetables and juicing is a much easier way for their bodies to absorb the nutrients.  Whatever works best for you, do it, and start out slowly if this is a first for you.  Sometimes people go overboard when they first start and find themselves experiencing indigestion as it’s too much for their system to process.  Moderation is the key to most things in life!

While there is no hardcore scientific proof that juicing is healthier than the juice you get by eating the real fruits or vegetables, many have experienced feeling better in general; weight loss and a boost to their immune system seems to be at the top of their list.  If it’s easier for you to get your fruits and vegetables by juicing, then by all means, you should do it! If anyone doesn’t enjoy eating fruits and vegetables, especially children, perhaps juicing may be a way to add them to their diet or to try fruits and vegetables they might not eat.

You may also want to consider blending instead of juicing. Blending all the edible parts of fruits & vegetable produces a drink that contains more healthy phytonutrients and fiber. Fiber can help you feel full which is great if you’re looking to drop a few pounds.


The Top Juicing Benefits that have been reported:

  • Increased Energy
  • Stronger Immune System
  • Blood Pressure
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Sinus infections
  • General overall feeling of better health

At Edge of the Woods, our kitchen/Juicing team will help you choose the best choices for your needs.  Its an easy way to get a very, tasty and nourishing drink.  Stop in and let us do the work for you!