Haiti Project


Friends of Haiti is a not-for-profit organization founded by the owners and patrons of Edge of the Woods whose purpose is to help improve the living conditions of impoverished people in Haiti.
For 10-year, Edge of the Woods has helped finance the building of 2 schools in Port-Au-Prince, supported mass feeding efforts and provided funds to buy medicine for the on-going medical clinics.
Friends of Haiti is affiliated with AMURT (Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team), a non-profit organization whose members help in disaster relief efforts. AMURT also has many long-term social service projects throughout the world, ie: water treatment plants, orphanages, AIDS projects, schools, clinics and hunger relief programs.


A fine Hatian doctor donated his time to see students and neighborhood people at the school clinics on a bi-weekly basis. There is no charge the school clinics, but patients are asked to pay for any medicine needed. Children are often diagnosed with malnutrition, parasites and skin diseases. High blood pressure, skin infections, congestion, night sweats and insomnia are common adult problems.
Once a year, a group of American doctors, nurses and EMT’s go to Port-Au-Prince for a week to provide medical clinics. The clinics are set up in four different sites and treat close to 1,000 people. Also, with the help from Lutheran charities, hundreds of people are fitted with the appropriate eyeglasses.